Welcome to Life Lounge Chiropractic and Health Center
At Life Lounge Chiropractic and Health Center, here in Burlington, Ontario we are BLESSED to be one of the fastest growing Chiropractic Clinics in Canada. When we sit back and reflect on why there are so many miracles and why so many people choose Dr Brad Deakin as their Chiropractor it is no surprise. He has spent the better part of his life serving people and offering them hope. The hope that people gain when in our office is only the start of a miraculous journey towards health and proper function.
Coupled with a burning desire to improve himself, Dr Brad spends endless hours learning, studying and researching becoming the best healer possible. The relentless effort and personal sacrifices that he makes benefit the people that we care the most about… you.
We have created a special place here at Life Lounge Chiropractic and Health Center in Burlington. It is a place of hope, healing and transformation. We have one of the most technologically advanced offices throughout Canada to help you get healthy and feeling excellent…much more than you may think possible.
Clinic Virtual Tour
About You
Accidents, injuries and trauma in the past cause shifts in the spine and cause the spinal bones (vertebrae) to move incorrectly. They can be ‘stuck’ (misaligned), not moving through their full range of motion. Science has found that if the vertebrae are not moving properly or are misaligned they degenerate 300% faster than by time alone.
Our office practices a technique called Spinal Reconstruction. It is a technique that incorporates the best aspects of many techniques to help us get your spine moving properly, the vertebrae placed properly and reconstruct the protective curves that are necessary for proper spinal function.
We explain everything in a great deal to our patients so they understand exactly what we do and most importantly, why we do it. We actually teach patients to read their own x-Rays and we examine your x-rays every time you are adjusted. We believe in the utmost precision when we work with a patient.
Why do we take such great care of people?
Your body is the most amazing, beautiful and complex thing to ever walk the planet. Your body is so intricate and so intelligent that it will never be truly understood. One fact that we do know is that the brain and the nervous system are so complex that leading scientists are still trying to find out where the nervous system ends and the immune system begins. They are so interwoven the lines differentiating them are essentially non-existent.
Think about it, you start as two half cells, one from your father and one from your mother. Then, in the span of nine months go from two half cells to 100 billion cells. Thousands of different cell types, all with different abilities, looks, characteristics, form and function. It is nearly incomprehensible.
Do you really think you’re anything other than a miracle?
Our MISSION here at Life Lounge Chiropractic and Health Center is to help you become the best version of you that you can be…the person that God intended you to be.
We work tirelessly to help solve your physical issues so you can be at your best.
You are amazing and deserve to perform at your peak potential. You are needed.
Please consider coming to see us… we can help you.