Life Lounge Health Center

Corrective Chiropractic Restoring Hope For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can sometimes be difficult to figure out, as there are a number of reasons for shoulder pain.  Pain that originates in the cervical vertebrae is less obvious, and is often ignored, or treated incorrectly providing temporary relief,  or leaving the individual in pain and frustrated for lack of answers.  This was the case […]

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Who is the Best Chiropractor in Burlington? Well…its complicated

Who is the best Chiropractor in Burlington?  Well…Life Lounge Chiropractic and Health Center has been here for 17 years now and we have been consistently voted as the Best chiropractor and best chiropractic clinic in Burlington…but lets examine that. When someone gets the title as “The Best”…you have to examine the criteria…what specs made them […]

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This video is going to share how to rehabilitate your neck a little bit, help you reduce neck pain, and help you increase your range of motion. But also to try and help you reverse “text neck”. This has become more of a problem recently. People have been carrying their neck too far forward. They […]

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Osteoarthritis is the most common forms of arthritis and can occur at any age. Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease that results in the continual breakdown of protective joint coverage and bone deformation. While there currently is no cure, specialists agree, it is essential to seek care as soon as possible to limit or reduce the […]

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