Neck Pain, Chiropractic and Arthritis

Spinal Arthritis is NOT caused by AGE ! This is probably what you been told by your medical doctor.  However, the truth is, arthritis and spinal degeneration are most often caused by previous accidents, injuries and trauma.   This is how it works: You’re going through an intersection…and all of a sudden boom !  Do You […]

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This video is going to share how to rehabilitate your neck a little bit, help you reduce neck pain, and help you increase your range of motion. But also to try and help you reverse “text neck”. This has become more of a problem recently. People have been carrying their neck too far forward. They […]

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Osteoarthritis is the most common forms of arthritis and can occur at any age. Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease that results in the continual breakdown of protective joint coverage and bone deformation. While there currently is no cure, specialists agree, it is essential to seek care as soon as possible to limit or reduce the […]

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Discusses Harvard Health Publishing Article

Harvard University

This article by publishing material by Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School talks about 3 surprising risks of poor posture. First, a medical school is talking about posture that is not their skill set. Without a question, chiropractors know more about spinal biomechanics than any other profession. But that’s besides the point. The point is […]

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Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Have you heard of sacroiliac joint dysfunction? Curious to find out? Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is incredibly common, and it is uncomfortable. The sacroiliac joint is a combination of two different bones: The triangular sacrum The ilia The sacroiliac joint is basically the joint between those two bones. To locate the sacroiliac joint on yourself poke […]

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